7 Spring Make Up Tips to Brighten Your Morning

Posted on 18 May 2017 by Anna Scott
It’s official – once the sun comes out for more than three days in a row, you can switch off the central heating because spring is here to stay for a few months. And while you’re in a sunny mood, why not give your make up a bit of a seasonal re-think too? We’ve put together some spring make up tips to get you started…


Make up brush in pot

Swap Your Foundation for CC Cream

With slightly warmer weather comes a slightly greater chance of sweaty days, and a heavy foundation does not help matters. We don’t want to ditch the covering altogether, so why not switch for a CC cream during the warmer months? These are lighter in texture than foundation and usually contain a higher SPF (sometimes up to 30), a very important consideration too at this time of year. BB creams are also worth considering, but they are lighter still (perhaps not suitable if you’re concerned with blemish cover-up) and usually have a lower SPF than CC creams.


Make Up Sponges

Thanks to the current generation of YouTubers, every woman and her dog now uses make up sponges, or so we’re led to believe, but sometimes easy application with fingers is still far more preferable due to morning time constraints. However, if you’re not a fan of your foundation or cream streaking in the slightly warmer spring weather, perhaps now is the time to join the make up sponge revolution, because they do come with many solutions to this problem. As well as providing you with even cover, make up sponges blend your foundation or cream into your skin much more effectively than your fingers, meaning there’s less chance of it streaking or rubbing off when you perspire. For extra help in this area, our promo codes for Superdrug not only contain savings for many different make up accessories, but there are also instructional videos on their site on how to correctly use your make up sponge for the best effect.


Make up sponge and powder


Cotton Bud Concealer

Concealers and warm weather aren’t really a great match, but we still want to cover up those blemishes and dark circles. So what is a good springtime solution? Well, if you use a liquid concealer (recommended any time of the year), then apply using the tip of a cotton bud rather than your fingers. This keeps the amount of concealer used to a minimum (good for the bank balance too) and ensures you’re not blending another large, thick layer of makeup onto your face.


Pink Blusher

You might associate the summer with bronzer, but a) it’s not summer just yet and b) bronzer can be a bit much for those with paler skin. The solution to both these issues is to go for a bit of pink blusher. Nothing says spring like rosy cheeks and pink suits many different skin tones.


Pink cream blusher


Pastel Eye Shadows

To compliment those rosy cheeks, why not experiment with spring’s latest eye trend, pastel eyeshadows? Again, if done well this can also suit different skin tones, and you can also combine it with another current eye trend – metallic. Who can resist the temptation of metallic pastels? Certainly not us.


Eyeshadow palette


Orange-Tinged Lips

It felt like last year was all about the classic pillar box red and quite rightly – it’s a timeless classic, after all. But this spring is all about adding a hint of orange to that red. Not completely orange lips, but rather just heating up your red just a bit. One to experiment with until you find the right shade we reckon.


Portable Powder or Blotting Sheets

And as a finishing touch, we shall bring you full circle back to the subject of sweaty faces yet again (sorry) and remind of the importance of a good portable powder at this time of year so you can banish any shiny patches throughout your day. And if you think powder might be too heavy for such a task, carrying around some blotting sheets in your bag in case of an emergency will do the trick.


You can bring a lot of these spring make up tips with you into the summer (complete with some more summery trends that we’ll be sure to mention too), and adopting many of them doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune or new products and accessories. Just a few small changes here and there could make sure your make up stays spring fresh for the entire day!